Wednesday, 23 May 2012

CIMB Clicks cannot login - "General transaction error"

Today - Wednesday, 23 May 2012, 830pm, I tried to login into CIMB Clicks website and I got "General transaction error".

Erk, wadahel? Is there something wrong with my account? My user ID? My browser? FYI...I am using Safari Version 4.1.3 (4533.19.4) on an iMac.

CIMB Clicks "General transaction error" upon login

So, I turned to my iPhone and tried my CIMB Clicks application. Results = OK. 
I can check my account balance just fine. That means there's nothing wrong with my account.

Then, I tried to login to CIMB Clicks mobile website from my iPhone. Who knows that only desktop version is having problem or something wrong with my browser? Results = as per screenshot below.

Mobile CIMB Clicks notification - Service unavailable

Oh, finally! The service is unavailable at the moment - or as CIMB puts it "temporarily not available". I wish CIMB had put the same notification on their desktop website as well so that they could save me (and perhaps you and others) all this trouble of finding out what actually happened. And maybe some of you already did call them to ask about this. 

Erk...wadahel la CIMB? 

Sunday, 20 May 2012

72 Heritage Cafe, Kota Kemuning

Seperti mana blog2 orang lain, aku pun nak buat review pasal tempat makan jugak.

So last Thursday I had a chance to have lunch at 72 Heritage Cafe which is located at Kota Kemuning. Deco cafe ni pada aku quite decent. Ada ala2 Oldtown, Papparich, dan yang seangkatan dengan nya walaupun belum boleh dikira setaraf lagi. Kira nya selesa la untuk having a good lunch and an upgrade bagi aku yang hari2 layan nasi campur kat kedai makan biasa je. Kalau nak bawak business prospect ke pun boleh, ambient dia not bad. Cuma tak ada aircond je lah. Tapi one plus point, dia ada UniFi (wifi). So boleh surf dengan lajunyaaaaa...

Interior view # 1
Interior view # 2
Yang ada peti2 kaca tu is where the counter is located

In term of space, kedai ni agak kecik jugak la. Size one shop lot. You can judge it yourself based on pictures above. Ada la dalam 15 meja dekat dalam dan 1 meja dekat luar. Aku datang dua kereta (8 orang). Satu group duduk dalam, and another group duduk luar. Reason 1) sebab tak dapat meja yang cukup besar untuk seat kitorang semua dekat dalam, 2) member2 aku prefer duduk luar so that boleh smoking. Time kitorang sampai tu agak full house, so that's why tak boleh nak combine meja.

Dekat luar cafe ni ada dihiasi dengan sebuah beca, and dia gantung Menu of the Day dekat situ. Ada budak2 suka la dok main panjat2 atas beca ni.

Beca dekat luar cafe
Budak2 tengah dok main panjat2 beca

Hari yang aku datang tu Menu of the Day dia as dalam picture lah. So aku order Tom Yam Fried Rice. Rasa? Hmmm...not bad. It is not something yang kalau aku stay at Ampang aku akan sanggup travel to Kota Kemuning semata2 nak makan Tom Yam Fried Rice dia. Nope, not to that standard. But I will definitely add this cafe in my "Places to have lunch" list (FYI...aku kerja dekat Shah Alam dekat2 Proton Hicom tu). So this can be added to yours as well to add variety to your food places. Bawah ni aku sajikan dengan gambar Tom Yam Fried Rice aku. Yummy...yummy...

Tom yam fried rice
Tom yam fried rice + sirap selasih

Service? Agak slow. We only get our food after 20-30mins or so. But I am giving benefit of the doubt to the owner sebab time kitorang datang tu agak full house and ramai yang belum dapat makanan. Aku rasa owner ni buat order based on meja...that including air and appetizers I assume. Reason sebabnya after 20 mins ambik order air and appetizers kitorang still tak sampai2 lagi. Then bila air + appetizers sampai, main course menyusul in less than 10 mins. Kebiasaan nya even main dish sampai lambat pun drinks + appetizers akan sampai lepas 5-10mins ambik order ye tak? Anyway, pak cik yang ambik order ni (white haired guy, baby blue shirt dalam gambar "Interior view #2" above), which aku rasa the owner, is quite a nice chap and follow the rules kind of person. So tak ada masalah korang tak puas hati "Eh, meja sana datang lambat, kenapa order dia sampai dulu?". Ehehe. Kisahnya, sebab waktu kitorang baru2 sampai tu, dia ada lalu kat sebelah meja kitorang. So kitorang panggil la untuk ambik order. Tapi dia cakap dia tak boleh ambik order kitorang lagi sebab ada meja dekat dalam (yang sampai sebelum kitorang) belum di ambik order mereka. So dia kata kitorang kena follow queue. Ok lah...fair enough, and aku rasa kalau aku pun jadi meja kat dalam tu aku tak nak orang yang datang lambat kena layan dulu. No qualm on that. In fact aku nak bagi plus point kat pokcik ni sebab ada principle =)

Pricing berpatutan. Boleh dikatakan murah. Untuk tom yam fried rice aku harga RM6.80 je. Ada tulis kat menu of the day board dia. Mahal la sikit compare makan dekat food court or kedai nasi campur biasa kan. Tapi bila pikir2 balik, kadang2 aku makan nasi campur pun jejak gak harga RM7.00. So apa yang kitorang order? 3x Tom yam fried rice, 1x sirap ais, 1x sirap selasih, 1x teh o beng, 1x fried wanton (6pcs) = RM 33.40. Makan 3 orang. So ok la tu kan? Dengan ada wifi, deco yang menarik, aku memang tak ada complaint pasal harga. Dalam menu dia ada la jugak Western, and as usual, Western food ranging around RM10 per dish. Itu pun standard la kan?

Last but not least...parking. Pada yang risau pasal parking, don't worry, there's plenty of parking available. In fact, kitorang datang time peak hours lunch ni pun dapat parking betul2 depan kedai. Memang banyak. Tapi tak berani nak cakap la kalau time weekends or dinner macam mana kan. In terms of reachability, aku letak map dekat bawah ni. Kitorang dari Shah Alam ikut KESAS je la.

Overall feeling? Aku won't hesitate kalau ada sesapa ajak aku makan sini lagi. Rasa sedap, pricing OK, ambient and environment agak give it a try fellas!

View 72 Heritage Cafe in a larger map

Monday, 14 May 2012

Dah 10 tahun aku bunuh orang tak kena tangkap...kenapa hari ni kena tangkap pulak?

Hoh...apa punya mentaliti la.

Tadi aku dok usha FB, then aku terbaca ade sorang member aku ni post pasal pembinaan tempat ibadat secara haram. Aku pon tak paham, nk beribadat tu buat pahala, benda kebaikan, tak kira la kan agama ape sekalipun...tapi kenapa la nak bina secara haram? Kalau agama aku ajar halal tu dari segi semua aspek...perbuatan, niat, method, execution, sources etc etc. Aku caye agama lain pun same je...bende yang baik ni biasa memane pun stended.

So back to the story. Member aku ni pun kutuk ah pembinaan secara haram ni. Nak tau sebabnye? pembina2 haram ni boleh la pulak gi komplen sbb tempat beribadat diorang ni nk dirobohkan. Si peroboh dituduh zalim. Ek eh...pembinaan tu dh la secara haram, xde permit, tanah tu pun dh kire kene ceroboh, boleh la pulak kate orang yg nk roboh tu zalim. Abis yg ko suke2 gi ceroboh tanah orang tu x kire zalim ke? Masuk court of law pun ntah2 ko yg kene dende.

Hoh...apa punya mentaliti la.

Ni reminds me of my other friend punye quote. Die quote ni pepagi bute kt opis sebab tensen dgn mentaliti2 org kt opis. Kesah die, ade bende yg salah yg die nk betulkan. Si pesalah boleh la jawab, "I dah buat bende ni lama dh. So far OK je." Bayeeekkk punye jawapan kan? Member aku pun dh hangin...die pun bagi satu perumpamaan:

"Abis tu kalau you dah bunuh orang selama 10 tahun tak kena tangkap. Maksudnya OK la bunuh orang tu?"

Ahaha terkedu yg mendengarnye. Memang baik ah reply member aku ni. So ni same je cam si penceroboh pembinaan haram rumah ibadat tu. Ko dh lah menceroboh, buat secara haram, dh tu nk kene roboh dok senyap2 redha dengan ketentuan Ilahi dh lah...dh mmg salah ko in the first place. Abis tu xkan ko pun nk ckp, "I dh bina ni dh 10 tahun. OK je. Kenapa sekarang baru nk kene roboh?"

Nak aku ulang ke?

"Abis tu kalau you dah bunuh orang selama 10 tahun tak kena tangkap. Maksudnya OK la bunuh orang tu?"

Ko patut bersyukur tau selama ni die bg ko ilek lepak situ x kacau. Ni bile die nk tanah die balik respek je la. Takkan die pulak nk sacrifice utk ko. Ko tau tak zalim tu maksudnye meletakkan sesuatu x kene pd tempatnye? Klu tuan empunya tanah tu x ambik balik ape yg hak die dan tunaikan tanggungjawab die atas tanah tu...haaa tu la baru dinamakan zalim. Ko si pembina haram, memang dah sah2 zalim sebab ko bina something bukan kt tempatnye (w/out permit, bukan tanah ko). Isk...x paham aku...

Hoh...apa punya mentaliti la.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Apple MacBook Pro vs Air

Hmmm...sejak aku bertekad utk buat blog ni, makin berkobar pulak semangat nak membeli MacBook. Tapi persoalannya yg mana yg lagi berbaloi? Pro atau Air? MacBook ni bukan calang2 harganya. Karang silap buat percaturan menyesal. Malaysia bukan macam US. US kalau beli tak suka boleh nak return. Sini haram...

Anyway first thing yang aku buat adalah decide nak beli dekat mana - Malaysia vs US? And to my surprise (aku pun dah lama tak usha2 perkembangan Apple), harga dekat Malaysia and US is actually almost the same. Beza pun Malaysia mahal tak lebih 10 hinggit. Tapi ni considering harga base US tak termasuk GST diorang. Kalau masuk GST kat US tu (which is maybe around 5%), definitely beli dekat Malaysia lagi murah. Then campo shipping lagi?!??! Hah, kalau tak percaya sila refer screenshot bawah ni (currency conversion tu buat la sendiri ye). Time2 macam ni la baru rasa best pulak dok Malaysia ni ehehe...

Apple Store US
Apple Store Malaysia

Ok...let's see who's the winner for the battle between MacBook Pro vs Air. In terms of technical specification, MacBook Pro is winning hands down. For the same amount of money that you pay, you are definitely getting better spec out of Pro - better processor speed, larger screen, optical drive, bigger HDD capacity albeit SATA. For Air to compete or at least to get par with what Pro is offering, you need to fork out another USD100 or USD400...even that, the highest specification of Air still can't beat Pro on paper in terms of processor speed, HDD capacity, and optical drive. But lucky enough both Air and Pro has the same graphic card. Comparison as below...

Now if you are looking best bang for your bucks, the answer will definitely be Pro. Spend less and get more. But Air offers something that is irresistible - which is, it offers an advancement in technology. Solid state disk (SSD) and its form factor as small and as light as that is definitely undeniably attractive. That is why this entry exist in the first place.

So the big question here will be --> what are you looking for in a laptop? My purpose for owning a laptop is to complement my 6 years old iMac (or rather my iMac will be the complementary). That means primarily used for blogging, facebook, surfing, online banking, youtube - hmm mostly internet (nothing that Air cannot handle) and most probably some amateur video editing and graphic designing. This is what keeps me from buying Air and contemplating on Pro - those extra GB and faster processor speed will be really helpful.

But if you are just looking to buy a secondary computer to be used when you are on the go, travelling, balik kampung etc...then Air would be sufficient. But since I need it for some heavy work, I am more inclined to Pro...and trying to convince myself the form factor of Air is not as attractive as it looks :P

Btw...words of caution - my gut feeling is that it will be way way more difficult to upgrade or service your Air should something happens vs Pro. I have no experience in using SSD, so not sure how long the lifespan is. But my last iBook's HDD died on me and thank God it could be replaced. This seems something impossible for Air...but who knows? I have never really looked into this area yet. And my iMac is having issue with graphic card overheat - due to its form factor. So this is another thing that put me in the dilemma...

Anyway...I guess now it's time to start reading on what are the issues and experiences by others on both  platform. Will update if I find something interesting.

My first post

So this is my first post.

Hmm...nothing much to say here. Except one thing that I need to start the ball rolling and the fact that I am trying to customize this blog's appearance and Blogger template customisation page keep on showing "No Post". So I'm gonna customize the appearance if I got no post? Won't you normally customize the appearance first before posting anything? Blogger really should put on bogus post during customisation process or at least example of a completed blog using each of the template... *sigh*

Isn't it clever? How am I gonna customize w no post?
Wadahel lah Blogger?

p/s: Welcome to my blog =)