Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Sebahagian daripada rezeki kita adalah hak milik orang lain

Awal bulan hari tu aku ada terjumpa satu post dalam FB yang sangat menyentuh hati. Kalau lah semua orang bersifat dan berfikiran macam ni...

All in all, satu je yang aku nak pesan: Ingatlah, sebahagian daripada rezeki kita adalah hak milik orang lain...

So bawah ni adalah post yang aku maksudkan tu. Credit to the original poster, and mintak halal tumpang post kat sini. Identiti original poster dirahsiakan atas tujuan keselamatan dan privasi :)

Rasanya semua org di Msia pernah terserempak dgn saudara seperti ini. I watched from inside McD's play place, saudara ni mengetuk BMW, Merc, Camry dan kereta2 mewah sewaktu dengannya yg beratur di Drive thru. SATU JAM berlalu, matahari maki perit, tak sorang pun sudi beli. 

Setelah pasang niat moga diberi kesempatan untuk membantu saudara ni sekadar yg mampu, I searched for him on my way out but

couldn't find. Surprisingly he was near my car (on the other side of the drive thru lane) when I wanted to go home.

Kami berbual ringan, sambil diri ini terkial2 meletakkan anaqi di car seat, dan makanan tak habis McD di kaki seat. Dia terkejut sy boleh ckp kelantan, biarpun sy bukan dari kelantan. Keropok RM20/packet, kalau beli dua RM35 katanya. Sementara sy membuka purse nak keluarkan RM35, saudara ni sempat memberi nasihat, yg 'anak itu harto Allah bagi kat kito, keno jago memolek'. Dia mintak maaf bukan niat nak beri ceramah, sy kata tak perlu minta maaf, kita kena saling mengingatkan. Sy tanya abang ada anak? Anaknya 3 org di kampung. Dia merantau mencari rezeki.

Bila sy bgtau sy nk beli 2 paket, dia tunduk mencari2, sy perasan bajunya dah byk bertampal2. Kain jubahnya lusuh sekali. Maaf ckp, kalau dirumah sy dah jadi kain buruk. Hati ni tersentuh sgt2. Tetiba teringat Rasulullah saw, dan para sahabah. Agaknya mcm ni lah pakaian mereka (Sayidina Umar diriwayatkan ada 14 tampalan di bajunya). Sy melihat dlm purse, ada duit RM50 sekeping. Sy beri padanya, dan bila dia nak bagi balance sy kata 'tak po lah abe, sedeqah sayo untuk anok2 abe.'

Dia terduduk. Terus sebak teresak2. Sy tergamam. Passerby started staring. Dalam sedu dia kata 'timo kasihlah dik. susohnyo nok cari rezeki untuk anok2...make minum pun tak tentu'...sebak sendunya makin kuat...Allah sj yg tahu apa yg dia rasa. Berejam di tgh panas, minta belas org2 berada yg duduk dlm kereta aircond, tak sorang pun sudi membantu. Bukan minta sedekah, dia ikhtiar sekadar kemampuan dia.

Sy cuba beri seidikit peringatan buat dia dan diri sy.
'Jange sedih abe. Kito ado Allah, tak po lah kito miskin didunio pong, yg penting akhirat kito kayo. Biarlah kok oghre nok kato lagu mano pong, asalke Allah tok hino kito...sabar deh...Allah ado...cukuplah Allah buat kita abe...HasbiaAllah'

Dia masih sebak, sy tak tahan terus masuk kereta dan menangis sepuas2nya dlm kereta.

Anak2ku ....... & ......., kalau jumpa saudara kita yg berusaha keras mencari rezeki mcm pakcik ni, bantulah sekadar mampu. Biarpun kita tak makan keropok yg dia jual, boleh je sedekahkan kat jiran ke, saudara mara ke, pak guard ke, hatta tol booth operator pun kita boleh bersedekah (kalau dah tak suka apa yg dijual). Tak makan bukan alasan untuk tidak membantu. Janji kita bantu pulihkan semangat yg menjual, untuk berusaha lagi mencari rezeki dgn cara yg halal. RM10-20 is nothing to us, but it could mean with or without rice for the day for them. Rezeki Allah bg untuk kita agih2kan, bukan untuk disimpan sampai jadi gunung.

Berkongsi cerita bukan nak bermegah dgn RM15 yg sy sedekah, tapi untuk membuka mata hati diri ini 7 yg sudi membaca. Semoga Allah jauhkan diri ini, anak2, suami & semua umat dari sifat ujub & riak, amin ya Rabbi.

Wallahua'lam. Fakir illa Rabbi, "Original Poster"

"Mereka juga memberi makan benda-benda makanan yang dihajati dan disukainya, kepada orang miskin dan anak yatim serta orang tawanan,
(Sambil berkata dengan lidah atau dengan hati): "Sesungguhnya kami memberi makan kepada kamu kerana Allah semata-mata; kami tidak berkehendakkan sebarang balasan dari kamu atau ucapan terima kasih,
"Kami sebenarnya takutkan Tuhan kami, takut Ia kenakan kami azab hari yang padanya muka orang-orang yang bersalah: masam berkerut-kerut".

(Al-Insaan 76 Ayat 8-10)

Saturday, 13 October 2012

iOS6 tethered jailbreak and the issues

To those jailbreakers out there, if you are thinking of jailbreaking your A4 device using iOS6 + tethered jailbreak - PLEASE, THINK AGAIN!!!

The reason I said so is because I have encountered too many problems with JB this time and each time you encountered this problem, it will reboot. So you need to boot it tethered again. Which is quite a pain in the @$$....Mind you, I have been JB my phone (3GS) since its first launched so I pretty much know what I'm doing. Except this time there's too much effort that I think it overweighs the enjoyment of JB. those who interested to JB your A4 devices on iOS6, you can find the instructions here:

So now let me tell you what kind of issues that I was having.

FIRST ISSUE: something happened that I need to restore my phone and erase my JB.
1. My first attempt to JB was successful w/out any issues. However, something happened (I can't recall) that triggered my phone to be restored. Yup, restore is the only option...d@mn.

SECOND ISSUE: SSH was not installed properly during JB process.
2. Since I need to restore my phone, my first time JB is gone. So I gotta do 2nd JB after restore. And if you do not know, this JB version (redsn0w 0.9.13 dev4) does  not install Cydia automatically. You have to do it separately on your own via SSH. So I did what I did during my first JB. Unfortunately, I got below error message:

Connection refused upon SSH connection
With some readings on how to resolve this issue, it is clear to me that the SSH was not installed properly during this 2nd JB. If it is, I should not be having this issue as what had happened during my 1st JB.

THIRD ISSUE: Unable to connect through SSH...due to some RSA key?
3. So, 3rd JB now. That is the only way to get the SSH to be installed properly. So I did a 3rd JB and reach to the point to install Cydia. Yet, another error message...

RSA key incorrect???
OK, I admit that the above error is something new and beyond my understanding. But again, with some hard works and A LOT of readings, I managed to solve it. Refer this post for the solution: "Solving "Warning: Remote Host Identification Has Changed!"".

FOURTH ISSUE: Stuck at the Apple logo valley of death...unstable JB?
4. So everything was good for the JB process. Today, I downloaded SBSettings from Cydia and installed it. Finish installing, the phone was rebooting. And stuck at the Apple logo valley of death ~sigh.... Some says that you need to enter DFU mode and then restore your phone. What, again? Another JB? But hold on fellas...hard reset would do. See this instructions if you are not sure how to perform hard reset:

FIFTH ISSUE: Installous does not load human verification page...only white blank page.
5. Last but not least...I have been using Installous and somehow it does not show up the human verification page. What I got is only a blank white page. I have so far yet to manage to overcome this. Should you know what to do.....kindly share =)

All in all, I would say if you are using jailbroken iOS5 device right now and thinking to upgrade to jailbroken iOS6, maybe you need to think again as my opinion is that, the hassles that you need to go through outweighs its benefit. And did I mention about not many Cydia apps are iOS6 compatible yet? So if I were you, the best bet right now is to sit back, relax, and wait for few more weeks for an untethered JB to be released and to let those developers to fine tune their apps for iOS6.

Solving "Warning: Remote Host Identification Has Changed!"

If you are using Terminal, and are trying to connect to your i-device via SSH, and you are stuck with below error:

Don't panic! It is possible, but nobody is doing something nasty...except YOU!

How to solve this?

It is pretty simple, you just need to get to /Users/[username]/.ssh/known_hosts and empty the RSA key value in the file -- in other words, empty the known_hosts file. Below is step-by-step instructions on how to do so:

1. Open your "Finder" window.

2. Locate the "~/.ssh/" folder
    In your "Finder" window --> select "Go" --> select "Go to folder..."

3. Key in "~/.ssh" into the field. Hit "Go" to continue.

4. Now you are in "/Users/[username]/.ssh/" folder. Open file "known_hosts" by double clicking it (or) use "Open with..." and choose "TextEdit".

5. Empty the file by deleting eveything in it -- "Select All" --> hit "delete" button.
    My file only has one IP address. That is the device that I want to connect to. IF you have more than 1 IP address, try delete the portion of the IP address that belongs to the device that you want to connect to and leave others intact.

6. Hit "File" --> "Save" (or) "Alt+S" and you are good to go...

Hope this helps. Let me know if there is any caveat to this...